BIG BLAST: Sasha Koozel Reibstein
January 8 - February 28, 2009

Opening Reception
January 8, 5 - 8pm
First Thursdays
January 8 & February 5, 5-8pm
Clay Mix is proud to present a solo exhibition by ceramic artist, Sasha Koozel Reibstein from January 8th through February 28th. Reibstein creates work which are like fantasy landscapes and organisms that resemble tangible objects and life-forms yet remain undefinable. The opening reception with the artist is at 5pm on Thursday, January 8th during ArtHop.
Sasha Koozel Reibstein received NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) International Resident Artist Award in 2008 and spent last summer in Berlin, Germany. The work in this exhibit includes her work created in Berlin and work done since her return to the US.
Reibstein’s organic forms look very much alive and give a sense of exploding with an overwhelming number of objects coming out from the form. Reibstein questions, “how will the natural world respond to the every growing demands we place upon it?” She is interested in expressing insecurities and premonitions about the uncertain future of our world. Reibstein uses different techiniques such as stenciling, screen printing and mold work in her sculptures, which allow the crisp lines of massproduction to interact with the more emotive and organic handbuilt elements. A unique aspect of her sculpture is that she uses different clay bodies within one piece. Reibstein says, “my working process is important to the content of the work. I employ my own form of recycling by saving all scraps of the clay forms and reusing them in future works. We produce an inordinate amount of waste in our lives and I want to bring that sense of personal history to my sculptures.“
After the exhibition at Clay Mix, she will present her experience in Berlin at the NCECA conference in Phoenix, Arizona in April.
Reibstein holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. She currently teaches at Palomar College, San Marcos, CA.